Jem Seeley

Jem is an illustrator and printmaker. He trained at Ipswich School of Art and currently combines working as a graphic designer with countryside conservation and garden design. His illustrations are used by a wide variety of clients for countryside interpretation, including children’s books and educational resources such as Gainsborough’s House, Sudbury.
Fascinated by the landscape, nature and history of his home county of Suffolk, Jem creates bold linocut prints with texture and a free approach to mark making.
Dramatic skies, gentle landforms, wild places and echoes of the past are themes that feature strongly in his work.
Showing all 8 results
Blakeney Point
£130.00 Buy Online -
Boat Yard Crane, Woodbridge
£120.00 Buy Online -
Cley Mill
£150.00 Buy Online -
Ferryman’s Hut, Walberswick
£130.00 Buy Online -
Kyson Point, Woodbridge
£120.00 Buy Online -
Saxstead Green Mill
£150.00 Buy Online -
Storm off Aldeburgh
£145.00 Buy Online -
The Field
£145.00 Buy Online